Looking Forward

Let’s take a look at the car, specifically let’s look at two parts, the rear-view mirror and the windscreen. The former is used to look back, While the latter is used to assist us in driving forward. The significance of each can be derived from their individual sizes. This is because you do not look back to drive forward. The problem is that many organizations and individuals are living out their objectives and careers, based on the past. Many are crippled by past failures; a business venture that died, a promotion that passed them or an incident of termination. Let’s take this a step further. Many are also crippled by past success, that’s right, past success can become a hindrance. Just because an idea worked in the past does not mean that you do not evolve from it, the dogmatic approach many institutions and individuals have towards ideas whereby they reject anything that does not align with the idea that succeeded in the past is what makes them irrelevant. The past is just that the past, learn what you can from it, and move on, don’t allow it to trap you or hold you back, as living life focused on the past is aborting your own future!

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